Monday, February 6th, 2023
This past weekend fire-rescue personnel from Sylvan Beach, Canastota, North Bay, Verona, Cleveland, Vienna and other area departments braved the frigid temperatures and completed the NYS Ice Water Res...
Ice Fishing RaffleDrawing January 28th on the Sylvan Beach Fire Department Facebook Page1 Grand Prize WinnerIf interested reach out to any Sylvan Beach Fire Department member, purchase at Bucks N Bolt...
Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023
Sunday January 8, 2023 Chicken Riggie DinnerSylvan Beach Fire Department 2:00 PM- 6:00 PMChicken Riggie Dinner with Italian side salad and a dinner roll$13.00 cash onlyAll proceeds directly benefit th...
Fire glossary
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70 entries in the Fire glossary beginning with "F"
FAST (or F.A.S.T.)
Firefighter Assist and Search Team (also called Rapid Entry Team or Rapid Intervention Team) firefighters assigned to stand by for rescue of other firefighters inside a structure; an implementation to support the Two-in, two-out rule; may have specialized training, experience and tools.
FDC (Fire Department Connection)
Location in which pumping apparatus hooks to a buildings standpipe and or sprinkler system. Usually a 3 female connection.
Fluoroprotein film forming foam.
Fire alarm control panel
System for receiving and announcing location of fire based upon input from smoke, flame or heat detectors, or manual call points or pull stations.
Fire axe
There are two main types of axes used in firefighting, a flathead axe, which just has a wedge for cutting into objects. The second type is a pickhead axe which has a cutting wedge on one side, and then a pointed pick for penetration of objects.
Fire behavior
The manner in which a fire reacts to the influences of fuel, weather, and topography.
Fire camp
Temporary camp established at large fires to provide food, rest, and other necessities to fire crews.
Fire code ( Fire safety code)
Regulations for fire prevention and safety involving flammables, explosives and other dangerous operations and occupancies.
Fire department keys
Special keys provided to firefighters to access a lockbox, located on some commercial buildings, containing additional keys required for entry or other safety features.
Fire edge
The boundary of a fire at a given moment.
Fire engineering
Scientific design of materials, structures and processes for fire safety
Fire escape
A building structure arranged outside to assist in safe evacuation of occupants during an emergency; may connect horizontally beyond a fire wall or verically to a roof or (preferably) to the ground, perhaps with a counter-weighted span to deny access to intruders.
Fire extinguisher
See Extinguisher above.
Fire flow
The amount of water being pumped onto a fire, or required to extinguish a hypothetical fire. A critical calculation in light of the axiom that an ordinary fire will not be extinguished unless there is sufficient water to remove the heat of the fire.
Fire grenade
Glass bottle filled with carbon tetrachloride or similar fire extinguishing fluid; meant to be thrown and shatter at base of fire to mix with air to produce non-combustible mixture; Similar to extinguishers comprised of glass fixtures with spring-loaded clapper released by heat-fusible link. Limited effectiveness, and phased out in 1950s when better extinguishers became available.
Fire hazard
Materials, structures or processes that may result in creating a fire, permitting a fire to grow undetected, or preventing people from escaping a fire.
Fire hydrant
See hydrant.
Fire hydraulics
The study of pumps, hoses, pipes, accessories and tools for moving water or other extinguishing agents from a water supply to a fire.
Fire inspector
A person responsible for issuing permits and enforcing the fire code, including any necessary premises inspection, as before allowing (or during) a large indoor gathering.
Fire line
A boundary of a fire scene established for public safety and to identify the area in which firefighters may be working.
70 entries in the Fire glossary beginning with "F"

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